I am Strong. I am Not Perfect. I am Willing to Try. I am Open-Minded. I am Flawed. I am Loved. I am Full of Potential. I am Gifted. I am Not Believing the Hype. I am Facinating. I am Woman.

Thursday, January 7, 2010

Self Portrait-Exposed

Facing a new year...exposed and vulnerable at this moment. Not being in a good place right now, but knowing it is out there, that place, in my soul ...waiting for me to find my lost self. And then, I will shine again.


  1. Your paintings are just gorgeous! I like your blog and I became a follower. If you like travelling please visit my travelin blog which is in Englis/Greek.
    Kind regards. Philip

  2. hopefully
    by now
    your good spirits
    have returned to you...

    we all have days, weeks of the blues.
    here's to a sweet tomorrow, a new lease.
    peace&luff~ Chuck

  3. Oh My! Three wonderful gentleman...leaving comments for me in a rather dark moment that I found myself in...I love you all! Here's to better days and a better New Year! Life is what you makeit...it you make it a struggle, guess what..you will struggle...I don't mean to suppress the realities of life, but it is all in how you decide to make your day ..either good or bad....let us all try to achieve the good. Even when life is slapping us in the face, we come out better for it!

  4. How does one find it's own lost soul..*sigh* Nice blog!
